-Be a Democrat
I think Jesus is the very definition of line-crosser. Again and again he broke social norms, crossed political lines, took religious positions contrary to those of the popular opinion. Question your thinking before confidently stating that Jesus would have been a conservative republican were he alive today. Would he have championed minorities and underprivileged groups? Yes. Would he have wanted to create programs to help the needy and poor? Yes. Would he have taken care of the environment? Yes. Of course there are some important points that He would have completely disagreed with democrats on but it doesn't mean that He would have not ardently joined with them on some others. Don't put God in a box. Remember Gal 3:28 "There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."
-Drink Alcohol
We've been debating this one for a long while. You can find pastors and theologians on both sides. The Bible even serves up MANY verses on the subject. Deut 14:26 talks about buying wine and other fermented drinks and to enjoy them. In John 2, Jesus creates GOOD wine from water...not juice. What the Bible does say Christians shouldn't do is be a drunkard. Romans 13:13 says don't participate in orgies, drunkenness, or quarreling. 1 Tim 3:8 requires that deacons not indulge in much wine. Romans 8:21-22 "It is better not to eat meat or drink wine or do anything else if it might cause another believer to stumble.You may believe there’s nothing wrong with what you are doing, but keep it between yourself and God. Blessed are those who don’t feel guilty for doing something they have decided is right."
-Give Up Your Child For Adoption
You may think that the Bible has little to say on this topic...and from the mother's perspective you would be right. But what we need to focus on is that adoption is seen in the Bible as good and a blessing! No matter the circumstance. Whether it was a government forcing certain children to be eliminated (like Moses) or after parents' death, a child being given to the most caring family member (like Esther) the child was not raised by the birth parents. Choosing a prosperous future and a life of love can be a painful decision but it is God's nature to bring Joy from Sorrow. Adoption has always been part of God's plan. Eph 1:5 says "God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. This is what he wanted to do, and it gave him great pleasure."
To be honest, I wish I was one of those people who never doubted- who never wavered. They amaze me truly. To be like Job and to keep your hope solely in God, miraculous! But like many people, I have been through my taste of hell on earth. To see a person you love struggle with a debilitating disease that you've prayed and prayed to be healed but to no answer. To see friend after friend get married, have babies, get promotions, fulfill their dreams...but your heart's desires go unfulfilled. To see believers martyred by terrorist groups, to watch storms rip through your hometown, to be weighed down my disappointments, debt, and tragedy can bring what little faith we may have to its exhaustion. The beauty of doubt is that it forces us to look at reality and choose. The uncomfortable tension that doubt produces brings us to think about what really matters and how we will move forward. The Psalms are full of doubt and agony but God is able to handle it. David's wrestling grew his faith and it does the same to ours.
NEXT WEEK: 4 Things Christians "Shouldn't" FEEL
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