Tuesday, March 31, 2015

4 Things Christians "Shouldn't" BELIEVE

The Christian life can sometimes feel like a game with too many rules. We train every service, every Bible study, and in every other meeting to spot what a good Christian looks like and how to avoid looking like a pagan! Of course none of our gatherings and studies are meant to guilt us into loving Jesus. But in reality there actually are a lot of dos and don'ts in the Bible. And they can be a little overwhelming sometimes...But the real weight comes from our own false obligations and expectations of each other and ourselves. We have to admit that grace stands in the way of our condemnation and that sometimes making an exception to the rules is not only ok but good in the right time and place. I hope you see this series as a chance to rethink our misconceptions, enjoy the beauty of sarcasm, and to learn to live through the eyes of Grace.

-"The One"
As Christians in a society of declining morals, its very easy to get caught up in the way our culture approaches romance. I find it odd that soooo many of us remain single. And these aren't weirdos or those with mental problems etc. ... There are so many Wonderful, educated, Jesus-loving, emotionally-balanced, healthy, funny, responsible singles that are still not married...even though they want to be. My personal opinion is that we have too many options and are more selfish than ever when choosing a mate. We are looking for perfection when it doesn't exist along with having convinced ourselves of romantic beliefs that are simply not true...such as believing in "the one." There is only one person who will complete you. Jesus. As for finding a spouse...settle down- choose one that you can love and grow together with- who has the same passion for God and common goals and values. I'm not saying settle...especially not with someone who doesn't love God. I'm saying select one. As Relevant wrote "marriage is much more formed than it is found. You don’t find a good marriage so much as you make one. Happiness doesn’t come from a spouse fitting your every selfish expectation; it comes from you and your spouse working and adjusting to serve each other while rooted in Christ’s love."

- A Date of Jesus' Return

Eclipses, Mayans, and Zombies- Oh My! This is all just getting ridiculous. Just stop trying to predict when Jesus will return. You are wasting your time. We should be living every day like He is coming!
Matthew 24:36 says "No one knows the day or the hour, not even the Son, but only the Father." And also 1 Thessalonians 5:4-5 "But you, brothers and sisters, are not in darkness so that this day should surprise you like a thief. 5 You are all children of the light and children of the day. We do not belong to the night or to the darkness." Trying to predict His return is prideful...you are supposing that God the Father would let YOU into His plans when He hasn't revealed the date even to Jesus?! Rubbish!
Thessalonians 5 continues like this... "since we belong to the day, let us be sober, putting on faith and love as a breastplate, and the hope of salvation as a helmet. For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. " If you are living a God-surrendered life, you've got nothing to worry about!

- In 'Merica!
We have been warned over and over what happens to people when they turn their back on God. Soddom and Gomorrah are easy examples...what about modern day Europe? Churches deserted and turned into bars. Islam growing rapidly. Economic downturn. I'm not saying God obliterates nations when only some of them turn away. Think about Noah- God at the very least, and very mournfully, gives believers a warning about His eminent plans of destruction. What I'm really pointing to is the fact that God's character can not support the nature of sin. If people choose sin and reject God, He also denies them His promises and inheritance. It scares me that America has begun to largely turn its back on God. Stop serving the false God of the American Dream. Its fickle! Rethink why you think America is elite. Is it because we are home of the free and the land of the brave? Does a temporary land have a place in Eternity? No. We need to surrender our dreams and ideals to the Lord. We need to humble ourselves and pray for each other. We need to GO into ALL nations and make disciples! 2 Chronicles 7:14 "If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land."

Ah...a tricky one that some women in the church are scared to speak up about! I personally believe there are 2 kinds of feminists. The first kind is the one that we see in the media a lot...usually shouting about abortion rights or equal pay. They are the ones that tend to define feminism. Although their desire for women to have the same rights as men is noble...their efforts are blatantly trampling over the other women who disagree with them. The 2nd kind is more quiet. I believe these are the ones with a real understanding of how God also made women in His image. They are the ones that believe that ALL are equal and that rights are secondary to value. They believe that the unborn is equal with the mother. And that men and women don't necessarily want the same rights...because they are not of the same design. Their goal is that all be seen with the same value that God placed on us. Galatians 3:28-29 " There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, NOR IS THERE MALE and FEMALE, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. If you belong to Christ, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise." We are ALL Heirs! We all get the same inheritance!

image "African Roots" Mark Rain | CC by 2.0

Online Dating: An Inside Look from a Christian Girl's Perspective

I remember reading "Passion and Purity" by Elisabeth Elliott for the first time and highlighting all over the place. The book is about her love letters and romance with Jim Elliot, what she learned while they were dating and also what she learned after he was killed in Ecuador by a tribe he was trying to minister to. It really is an incredible story- highly recommend it. It continues to be such solid truth to me in these dark times. There were a couple of things that stuck out though. I remember her talking about when she was dating in college that she dated multiple men at the same time...and even would date the same men as her roommates or friends. I thought- Whoa?! Wasn't this scandalous for the 40s?! And then many years after her husband Jim died, she married again...then after he died....she married once more. This just wasn't what I thought the Christian dating code was! Ha ha! From that point on, I stopped believing in finding "the one" that all the movies told me I should look for. And I also knew that dating wasn't the devil. You don't have to take it so seriously and that you can learn a lot from it! God takes care of the ones He loves despite imperfect circumstances and imperfect people. One other pressing reason why I decided to try dating online is the rapidly declining morality and selfishness of my generation. This is sadly starting to affect how we date in the church...and unfortunately although I am educated, fit, responsible, beautiful and know who I am in Christ- no guy from church had ever asked me out! So, I decided to venture online to find a good man who loved God. Because you never know where you might find them!  

The following is my perspective from my journey 
in dating online.
Note: All guys' names have been changed along with all identifying details out of respect and privacy.

How it works
In case you don't know, there are MANY dating sites out there these days. E-harmony and Match.com being the most popular. For Christians you can go one of 2 routes...you can get start off with a database of Christian guys by using Christian Mingle or you could go the secular route like Okcupid and try to filter out non-Christians. I tried several different ones over 3ish years. But the average time I spent on them was 2 months. The max I ever did was 3 months. The reason for this was because databases only have so many options. If you are looking for a specific type of person, you will get to the end of those results in a certain amount of time. For serious Christians...you have even fewer options. For tall, female, serious Christian women you have VERY few options. Which I found was a good and bad thing. I discovered that I could filter for godly men very quickly ...because there were so few.

Some thoughts on the sites I tried out
Eharmony - My least favorite of them all. When I was on, you only got a few matches every few days...including ones that weren't to your preferences. Price was expensive. There was no open search...so it was slightly difficult for looking for a tall guy. This site did not result in any dates for me. In fact I only talked to one guy who ended up being VERY racist..so that ended quickly.

Match.com - This one was alright. It had an open search, I got plenty of interest from guys and had suitable matches. Price was reasonable. They also had a variety of ways to set you up with potential matches, which made it feel a little more natural. But because it was still secular- there were very few Christian men. I talked to a couple but sadly they were more nominal Christians and didn't take their faith seriously.

OkCupid - This was oddly the one that I had the most "success" with. Free- which was a big plus for me. This could also be a bad thing though. This site attracts thousands of potentials...but with no real investment. So it took a lot of weeding through to find those who were serious about a relationship. I actually was a member a few times of this site. Had several actual dates with some solid guys. One guy was a professional athlete, another director of a Bible study class, etc. One of the best things about this site was that it had a great selection of questions to view and answer. This was advantageous because you could see how serious people were about things that mattered to you and filter out deal breakers. But because it is also a secular site the serious Christians are very few. I learned SO much about our society's values and how to stand for Christ in the dating world from my interactions on this site. Although some encounters were uncomfortable, I don't regret trying this one out. It was actually a fantastic evangelism opportunity.

ChristianMingle - This was the last one I tried out. I had two great matches from this one (one which led to a short relationship). This site was cheaper than Match or Eharmony. It had an open search and (in theory) automatically filtered out non-Christians. Unfortunately though- there were even fewer matches...especially for a tall girl. I also found that the same reasons church members are having a hard time dating in church is the same trouble they have online...too many options and being even more selective than non-believers. (A good and bad thing) We are over-looking Pauls and Rebeccas and Davids because we don't see them through God's eyes.

I'll be using OkCupid to show you the experience of dating online

Preferences and Profile
When getting on any dating site you have to set up your profile. (Which I oddly view like a job interview...show your best self, but be realistic and clear about what you are looking for). 
For Christians this is especially important. Boldly proclaim Christ on your profile. Godly men are attracted to Godly women and vice versa. I learned that Jesus is the BEST filter for getting rid of people who don't have good intentions. Yes, you will end up with less matches...but the goal is not to have 100s....its to find 1 Godly husband or wife! Brush off the haters!

Here is my basic profile...which I learned to be proud of!

Its suggested that you add different types of pictures. Please add variety! If you have 5 selfies or all pictures with models or several where we can't see your face....we think you are likely insecure or interested in the wrong things. 

The Encounters - Good, Bad, and Awkward
With OKC you have different ways of viewing potentials. You get daily matches, you can search, and you have QuickMatch (which is like tinder where you swipe left to reject or swipe right to accept). The quickmatch only shows you their pictures and a few details about the person (If they have kids, job, a small overview). It also gives you a match percentage-which I actually found to be a very good indicator. The Quickmatch does not say if they are a Christian though. But what I discovered is that most of the time, If they had a 90% match with me then they were likely a Christian (but this was not denomination specific). Swiping right could be risky because you don't know for sure that they are a Christian at all. But its a chance you have to take. After you like them (swipe right) then you can see if they are a Christian, view full profile, and see their answers to questions. You can also do this for matches and searches.

The last time I tried OKC, I was on it for less than a week. I had 377 guys that liked me (swiped right). Of course the whole point is not just to find out if people like you but to actually date! So what I really paid attention to was actual messages I received. In that week I received 81 messages. Here is a sampling.



As you can see - Some of the messages were really nice, genuine, respectful....And some were weird, inappropriate, and lacking in creativity. This was one of the best learning opportunities for me. I had to decide when to respond and if/how to do it well. Personally I chose not to respond at all to those who were inappropriate or disconnected. I had several chances to respond to well-meaning men too...which is what was more difficult. With online dating you get to "investigate" before you start a conversation. So I got to see if their messages really were sincere or if they matched their true character by looking at their profile and questions. Out of safety and godly standards I chose to very rarely respond to those whose messages even seemed genuine but their profiles did not show consistent character. I learned very quickly that if you give these guys any attention that they will take it and that you will have to let them down later. This was difficult. Like I said before... Jesus was a good filter. I stuck with His standard.

Another thing you can see from the screenshots above is that women have to be careful. There were several men I saw or were messaged by that were not safe. God showed me that they had no interest in Him and to not even entertain them with a Hello. After having a very weird encounter with a "Christian" guy, I now ask them to be honest about if they have ever been arrested or in jail, if they have any prejudices, and if they have any addictions BEFORE giving them my phone number. They have a chance to be dishonest of course...but I at least ask and in the small case will Google them. If I go on a date with them, it is always in public and my friends will know when and where.

One of my personal choices was to always give men who were "seemingly" good guys an honorable response for rejecting them if I felt that they weren't the right match for me. (Usually denominational issues or height was an obstacle) The two screenshots above are guys who showed that they could communicate maturely. The ones below didn't take my response well. Sometimes it doesn't matter how respectful you try and be...some people will still choose to take it negatively.

 (Not sure what 1 samuel guy's point was?! Why send a verse that points out your own sin?)
There was an instance or two where guys actually asked how Christian was I...like they needed a measurement. 
Definitely a new (and unusual) experience for me! LOL

The Questions
I keep referring to guys' answers to the questions so I want you to see how that works. I leaned on their answers a lot to determine if I was going to give them a chance. The questions really showed guys' character. They had many topics: judgment, intelligence, physicality, sex preferences, morality, religious, psychological, fitness/dietary, political, past relationship, viewpoints, crime, pets, privacy, adoption, finances, and hypothetical/behavioral. You were able to choose how much their answer mattered to you and even explain your answer.

Here are a few examples

 There was one question that was the biggest deal breaker of them all. 

I take my commitment to Christ seriously. My heart, my future, my body...belong to Him. His Word is solid ground so I believe and obey. So this question was the one where I could see if guys actually had submitted to God's authority. Sex is a big deal...so to surrender it over to God means that Jesus is your Lord...not just your Savior and that you are choosing to not be a slave to the flesh.
Unfortunately in all my time on OKC I found less than 5 men who chose "Only after the wedding."

 My advice for Christian Women
-Know who you are in Christ before dating online - you will fall prey to sin if you aren't standing on solid ground. Do not let your insecurities or fears decide who you date.
-Have accountability while dating on and offline - you are not untouchable when it comes to sin.
-Don't let guys manipulate you to messaging them back. Even if its a wonderful compliment or a funny joke or an interesting question...KEEP GOD's STANDARD. If they don't have Godly character do not compromise.
-Don't be afraid to get out there. Let this be a learning experience and a challenge to your faith.
-Give good Godly guys a chance even if they don't fit the picture you have in your mind. And when it comes time to reject a guy- do it with honor, give a real reason why, and don't be hurt by their response. Your responsibility is to honor the Lord with your actions, thoughts and words...you aren't responsible for their reaction.

My advice for Christian Men
-Know who you are in Christ before dating online - again you will sin if you aren't fully rooted in Christ and His Word. Men who are unashamed of their faith are HOT. Men who are unsure... are not.
-Have accountability - don't go on there looking for a date...look for a wife. Honestly there are plenty of women who are looking for hookups. If you are just looking for a girl to like you, you will find one. Look for a Godly woman. Ask a couple guys to help keep your actions and intentions on track.
- Let this be a learning experience so you can work up courage and have a better understanding of how you are uniquely designed.
-Give good Godly girls a chance even if they don't fit the picture you have in your mind. I know many AMAZING women who love God and are looking for good men like you! We hope you'll be searching for us too! 

All in All, I was encouraged. No, I'm not married yet, but I'm so glad that God has opened up opportunities for me to have feedback on things. Even though I don't get asked out from guys in my church, this doesn't mean that Godly guys outside of my church aren't looking for someone exactly like me! Some men like to keep their Church life simple and they don't want to complicate that with dating. Thats ok. I learned how to reject men honorably and how to give them helpful feedback and how to challenge their faith so they move closer to Heaven. I learned how to be even stronger with my faith and identity in Christ and to not give Satan ground when it comes to my love life. I learned how I can fall and what lies I'm prone to believe...and God has made me more strong in fighting against them! God showed me once again that He accepts me. He finds me beautiful. He wants me. This has never changed! I have seen wonderful marriages result from online dating. I'm not closing the door on it. I'm not one to tell God what He can and cannot use for His glory. Of course, It's not for everyone. But if you feel like giving it a try- Pray about it and Go for it! No matter where you meet them I hope that you find an amazing husband or wife!

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

4 Things Christians "Shouldn't" SAY

The Christian life can sometimes feel like a game with too many rules. We train every service, every Bible study, and in every other meeting to spot what a good Christian looks like and how to avoid looking like a pagan! Of course none of our gatherings and studies are meant to guilt us into loving Jesus. But in reality there actually are a lot of dos and don'ts in the Bible. And they can be a little overwhelming sometimes...But the real weight comes from our own false obligations and expectations of each other and ourselves. We have to admit that grace stands in the way of our condemnation and that sometimes making an exception to the rules is not only ok but good in the right time and place. I hope you see this series as a chance to rethink our misconceptions, enjoy the beauty of sarcasm, and to learn to live through the eyes of Grace.

Which of the following annoys you most ? "WWJD: What Would Jesus Do?", "Whenever you stop looking for a mate is when they will just show up!", or "When God closes a door, he opens a window." If I'm honest, I'd say that they are all pretty annoying or at the very least overused. At one time in my life I'm sure I've taken each of these to heart...heck maybe even given them an "Amen!". But its 2015... if it was said last week, then its already passé. I will shoot the next person that makes a joke about "the dress"...jk! But this is the day we live in. Once we hear a phrase, experience something, or encounter a new thing...it almost immediately loses its power. Its the unfortunate effect of living in the twitter generation. But sometimes going back to those old phrases still helps. Again if I'm honest, asking myself what Jesus would do...would actually really help me sin less and help me evaluate my motives. Some clichés are still true and can still be powerful! Just know the right time to use them, know your audience...and of course make sure they line up with God's word.

-The Truth
Political Correctness is the king of the land these days. I'll tell you right now. I'ts pretty stupid when people's feelings trump truth. Our culture repeatedly tells us that "real" Christians wouldn't judge. They would be the most passive. They would be the ones to give all of their freedoms away for the sake of Heaven. BULL! The Bible doesn't tell us to be cowards, or weaklings, or slaves of the world! I say that a true Christian SHOULD make the world somewhat uncomfortable! We have the responsibility to set Christ's standards and keep them, to speak the truth in season and out, to be good judges of character and to speak out against ungodly actions. This is a very unpopular belief and even harder thing to actually do...but to be real Christians - we must speak and live the truth, always.

-"You're Wrong"
This one goes hand in hand with the one above. But this one seems to come against us more than come from our own mouths. I feel we've stopped calling out sin these days for 2 reasons.... we'd rather build relationships with believers than judge them which is good....but we've also turned into cowards. We've taken this to an extreme. Somehow we've been pushed into the corner where all the fingers are pointed at us and they've taken away our ability to speak into each other's lives. I love the old saying that goes something like... "If you knew the world was ending, then wouldn't you want to tell everybody else?!" Because this is still true! As Christians we have a responsibility to point people to the cure...but its pretty difficult to tell someone they need it when they don't think they are sick. Sin deceives, divides, destroys. Take it seriously. We need to find the courage again to show the people around us that wrong belief, worshiping the wrong things, and selfish living really do lead to death. Sin leads to death- this is what we know to be true. Of course build a relationship with them first-but when the time is right- call out death and speak life!

-The word "Hate"
As you can see my sarcastic points on this post continue to progress but keep pointing to the same thing -  Speaking the harshest of truths in the darkest of times. This is the time we live in. It is time to speak life and to speak UP! We have become comfortable at not taking risks but blending into our culture. It seems to be this strange rule that in 2015, you really aren't allowed to hate anyone or anything. Heck even if you spoke out against ISIS or Hitler...someone would probably defend them and then point the finger back at you. But there are things that God hates and that they are the reason that Jesus had to die. He had to CONQUER death! He's not fine and dandy with us making a home with sin. A few things God hates and we should hate too: People who kill the innocent, those who plot evil or run to evil's front lines, those who cause discord in families. He says it pretty clearly in Proverbs 6:16-19. Know God's word! When we claim we love everything from pizza to our iphones, its important to know what God truly loves and what He truly hates.

Coming Soon - 4 Things Christians "Shouldn't" BELIEVE

More amazing verses about our words!

Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.
Prov 18:21

Set a guard, O Lord, over my mouth; keep watch over the door of my lips!
Psalm 141:3

The mouth of the righteous utters wisdom, and his tongue speaks justice.
Psalm 37:30

I tell you, on the day of judgment people will give account for every careless word they speak, for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned.
Matt 12:36-37

So put away all malice and all deceit and hypocrisy and envy and all slander.
1 Peter 2:1

With patience a ruler may be persuaded, and a soft tongue will break a bone.
Prov 25:15 (All of Prov 25 is filled with good stuff btw!)

Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person.
Colossians 4:6

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

4 Things Christians "Shouldn't" FEEL

The Christian life can sometimes feel like a game with too many rules. We train every service, every Bible study, and in every other meeting to spot what a good Christian looks like and how to avoid looking like a pagan! Of course none of our gatherings and studies are meant to guilt us into loving Jesus. But in reality there actually are a lot of dos and don'ts in the Bible. And they can be a little overwhelming sometimes...But the real weight comes from our own false obligations and expectations of each other and ourselves. We have to admit that grace stands in the way of our condemnation and that sometimes making an exception to the rules is not only ok but good in the right time and place. I hope you see this series as a chance to rethink our misconceptions, enjoy the beauty of sarcasm, and to learn to live through the eyes of Grace.

If you are a "Good" Christian you definitely can't feel...

The one thing you have to feel all the time in order to be a good Christian is joy. Bull! Tell that to Job, David, Mary, Noah..... Think about Noah for a minute. He's already seen his townsman ignore God. Then he goes through years building an ark, the whole time knowing that everyone else on Earth is going to die by drowning. Then he has to watch it all happen. The death of every other living thing except for those on the Ark. You can bet that he wasn't filled with joy. David is famous for writing about his darkness. Mary watches her son be crucified...Now, try and tell me that she wasn't crushed. There are dark times in our lives. Sadness, grief, and depression are in the range of emotions that God made us to experience. Life can beat you down through harsh circumstance. Its not a sin to be depressed. Not even close. The important thing is that God doesn't want us to live in it. You can and will overcome. Victory is in God's nature. He's beat it all-death, disease, disappointment, and disaster. Defeating depression takes a fight but you can! Read more about how to win the battle here.

Yea, I just went there! Let's all be honest now...You didn't drop out of the sky. Your mom and dad did a little dance together and it wasn't because they were the last people on Earth and it was their sole purpose to procreate. Ha! Take a small glance at Song of Songs "Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth! For your love is better than wine...Draw me after you; let us run. The king has brought me into his chambers." Bow Chicka Wow Wow! LOL! The key to sexual desire and living the Christian life is context. Are you married? Yes-then go for it! No-then talk to God about it. Obviously as we mature we all have sex drives but honoring God with it is the secret. Don't let hormones drive you into a world of guilt. Feelings aren't sin if you surrender them to God.

There is a time and place for everything. The Bible says that God is jealous. When we put other gods (other things, people, desires, goals, ideals) before Him, He gets upset. It was the first commandment. He gets angry over many things- hurting the innocent, enslaving His people, desecrating His house, etc. There are even times in the bible when God's anger is the cause of destruction or punishment for a whole group of people. The 1 Chapter of Nahum says that "He reserves wrath for His enemies." But God's anger always accomplishes His will. Take a look at Jehu in 2 Kings 9 &10. When you think about ISIS killing Christians & Boko Haram kidnapping schoolgirls remember that God is storing up wrath for them. Even in Matthew 10:34 it says don't be fooled, "Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword."

Like the rest of these emotions, there is a time and a place. Lately, its been popular to believe that happiness is not the goal of Christianity...and I would agree. But people have also taken this to the extreme of saying that God never wants us to be happy. Well, thats just depressing huh?! We need to take a look at what God really wants for us. Psalm 40:8 says "I delight to do Your will, O my God" and Psalm 37:4 "Delight yourself in the LORD, and he will give you the desires of your heart." Happiness is not natural. Throughout the Bible we see that happiness was a result of putting trust in God's will despite circumstance. That's what happiness is- a life surrendered to the Almighty!

NEXT WEEK: 4 Things Christians "Shouldn't" SAY

Monday, March 2, 2015

4 Things Christians "Shouldn't" DO

The Christian life can sometimes feel like a game with too many rules. We train every service, every Bible study, and in every other meeting to spot what a good Christian looks like and how to avoid looking like a pagan! Of course none of our gatherings and studies are meant to guilt us into loving Jesus. But in reality there actually are a lot of dos and don'ts in the Bible. And they can be a little overwhelming sometimes...But the real weight comes from our own false obligations and expectations of each other and ourselves. We have to admit that grace stands in the way of our condemnation and that sometimes making an exception to the rules is not only ok but good in the right time and place. I hope you see this series as a chance to rethink our misconceptions, enjoy the beauty of sarcasm, and to learn to live through the eyes of Grace.
If you are a "Good" Christian you definitely can't ...

-Be a Democrat
I think Jesus is the very definition of line-crosser. Again and again he broke social norms, crossed political lines, took religious positions contrary to those of the popular opinion. Question your thinking before confidently stating that Jesus would have been a conservative republican were he alive today. Would he have championed minorities and underprivileged groups? Yes. Would he have wanted to create programs to help the needy and poor? Yes. Would he have taken care of the environment? Yes. Of course there are some important points that He would have completely disagreed with democrats on but it doesn't mean that He would have not ardently joined with them on some others. Don't put God in a box. Remember Gal 3:28 "There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."

-Drink Alcohol
We've been debating this one for a long while. You can find pastors and theologians on both sides. The Bible even serves up MANY verses on the subject. Deut 14:26 talks about buying wine and other fermented drinks and to enjoy them. In John 2, Jesus creates GOOD wine from water...not juice. What the Bible does say Christians shouldn't do is be a drunkard. Romans 13:13 says don't participate in orgies, drunkenness, or quarreling. 1 Tim 3:8 requires that deacons not indulge in much wine. Romans 8:21-22 "It is better not to eat meat or drink wine or do anything else if it might cause another believer to stumble.You may believe there’s nothing wrong with what you are doing, but keep it between yourself and God. Blessed are those who don’t feel guilty for doing something they have decided is right."

-Give Up Your Child For Adoption
You may think that the Bible has little to say on this topic...and from the mother's perspective you would be right. But what we need to focus on is that adoption is seen in the Bible as good and a blessing! No matter the circumstance. Whether it was a government forcing certain children to be eliminated (like Moses) or after parents' death, a child being given to the most caring family member (like Esther) the child was not raised by the birth parents. Choosing a prosperous future and a life of love can be a painful decision but it is God's nature to bring Joy from Sorrow. Adoption has always been part of God's plan. Eph 1:5 says "God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. This is what he wanted to do, and it gave him great pleasure."

To be honest, I wish I was one of those people who never doubted- who never wavered. They amaze me truly. To be like Job and to keep your hope solely in God, miraculous! But like many people, I have been through my taste of hell on earth. To see a person you love struggle with a debilitating disease that you've prayed and prayed to be healed but to no answer. To see friend after friend get married, have babies, get promotions, fulfill their dreams...but your heart's desires go unfulfilled. To see believers martyred by terrorist groups, to watch storms rip through your hometown, to be weighed down my disappointments, debt, and tragedy can bring what little faith we may have to its exhaustion. The beauty of doubt is that it forces us to look at reality and choose. The uncomfortable tension that doubt produces brings us to think about what really matters and how we will move forward. The Psalms are full of doubt and agony but God is able to handle it. David's wrestling grew his faith and it does the same to ours.

NEXT WEEK: 4 Things Christians "Shouldn't" FEEL
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Do not be conformed to this present world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may test and approve what is the will of God-what is good, well-pleasing and perfect. Romans 12:2

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