Many of us have been on some difficult mission trips but sometimes our jobs can be harder than them all. Its a different mission altogether. You are there long term. Your coworkers see your failures and are watching how you deal with stress. They see if you give dignity to the people around you and if you get puffed up when receiving praise. And in a post-Christian society it is even harder to openly share Christ in the comings and goings. The following individuals are Christians who daily bring Christ to work. Their focus is doing their job well but leading people into eternity in the process.
Allison Hall is a Therapeutic Recreation Specialist at a retirement and long term/memory care facility in Adamstown, Maryland. Along with once petting a tiger, Allison also delights in the fact that she has a Masters in Recreational Therapy from TSU and has traveled to 5 different countries.

What does a normal workday look like?
Haha there's no real "normal" work day. But generally, I plan and do group and one-on-one activities that involve anything from chair exercises to music clubs to various types of games and sensory engagement. I also do assessments, care plans, administrative duties, progress notes, and related meetings.
Why do you feel called to work work with this age group and to do this type of work?
I guess I've always had a soft spot for this population, but within the past year or so that spot has turned into a God-given passion, which has transformed into a gift that I'm honored to have. It's not an easy field, but I find so much joy in being a small part of brightening up their day.
How do you bring Christ into your work?
The good thing about my job is that if I bring up the Lord or anything related and they don't agree or like talking about it, I don't have to worry about offending them because they will most likely forget about it 10 minutes later haha. It does help, however, that a large number of my residents were raised with some sort of church background and are open to the topic. Just the other day I did an entire activity of Sunday school song karaoke and they loved it bc it brought back fond memories for them. So I'm not outright preaching the gospel, but I do sneak in a simple mindset on God through casual conversation and memory activities. And that's enough for them, since at this stage they aren't capable of having deep, spiritual conversations.
Also, I try to show godly living to my coworkers through my actions and words, just by how I live on a daily basis. They've asked me why I've been all over the world and how I pay for it (mission trips and support raising) and how I'm able to still be a virgin and not just go to bars, get drunk, and date around. Again, not outright preaching, but more so setting an example that makes them curious and think.
Do you have a specific instance where God used you to minister to someone in some way?
this past summer I was a private caregiver for an elderly lady and every now and then she would randomly become anxious about what was going to happen when she died. I would talk with her about the Lord and what salvation really means and how you know if you're saved. I would also pray with her in those times. She had dementia, so I'm not sure if it really stuck, but at least I know the truth was spoken to her at some point.
Are there some struggles with being a Christian at your job?
I wouldn't say I've had any more struggles as any other Christian living in a secular world. Sure, there are times I wish I had someone to talk to at work that has the same Kingdom mindset, and I'm sometimes faced with crude language or invites to get drunk after work, but I try to take it in stride and keep living the way He's called me to. It's just part of the whole "we're called to live in the world, not of the world" thought process that I keep reminding myself.
I guess I've always had a soft spot for this population, but within the past year or so that spot has turned into a God-given passion, which has transformed into a gift that I'm honored to have. It's not an easy field, but I find so much joy in being a small part of brightening up their day.
How do you bring Christ into your work?
The good thing about my job is that if I bring up the Lord or anything related and they don't agree or like talking about it, I don't have to worry about offending them because they will most likely forget about it 10 minutes later haha. It does help, however, that a large number of my residents were raised with some sort of church background and are open to the topic. Just the other day I did an entire activity of Sunday school song karaoke and they loved it bc it brought back fond memories for them. So I'm not outright preaching the gospel, but I do sneak in a simple mindset on God through casual conversation and memory activities. And that's enough for them, since at this stage they aren't capable of having deep, spiritual conversations.
Also, I try to show godly living to my coworkers through my actions and words, just by how I live on a daily basis. They've asked me why I've been all over the world and how I pay for it (mission trips and support raising) and how I'm able to still be a virgin and not just go to bars, get drunk, and date around. Again, not outright preaching, but more so setting an example that makes them curious and think.
Do you have a specific instance where God used you to minister to someone in some way?
this past summer I was a private caregiver for an elderly lady and every now and then she would randomly become anxious about what was going to happen when she died. I would talk with her about the Lord and what salvation really means and how you know if you're saved. I would also pray with her in those times. She had dementia, so I'm not sure if it really stuck, but at least I know the truth was spoken to her at some point.
Are there some struggles with being a Christian at your job?
I wouldn't say I've had any more struggles as any other Christian living in a secular world. Sure, there are times I wish I had someone to talk to at work that has the same Kingdom mindset, and I'm sometimes faced with crude language or invites to get drunk after work, but I try to take it in stride and keep living the way He's called me to. It's just part of the whole "we're called to live in the world, not of the world" thought process that I keep reminding myself.
What advice/encouragement can you offer those struggling with sharing their faith at work.
You should never be concerned or scared about being yourself around people. If you're living for God and really want those around you to know His heart, then they should be able to see it in your regular day-to-day life. Be a living testimony to His goodness. You don't necessarily have to stand up in the middle of your office and yell something like "I love Jesus yes I do, I love Jesus, how bout you" (Unless you're a cheerleader coach at a Christian school....then go for it!) in order to spread the gospel. You'd probably receive a lot of backlash. Sometimes living a sincere, loving, graceful life can speak louder and people will notice and wonder. Usually, it's not until people see the benefit and positive outcomes in another's life that they will be more receptive to hearing the truth. But, aside from that, just listen to the Lord, not your own ideas of what needs to happen. He's working on your coworker's hearts too. He'll lead you in timing and words for sharing your faith with those who have ears to hear.
Can you share your favorite work moment with us-funny, proud, dramatic or otherwise!
Ahh that's a hard question!!! I have a new favorite moment everyday! There are moments of personal triumphs of getting that tough resident to smile or come to an activity. And then the funny moments....literally every happens all the time. Way too many stories to share! That's what makes my job so fun!
So I was walking around the building where I'm about to start a new job, giving myself a tour and meeting some of the residents. I go to the dementia-specific unit, walk into one of the smaller activity rooms, and see a woman sitting there working on a puzzle. I say "Hi there, how are you doing?!" and immediately she shoots back with "Well, I'm good but I'm just about to pass gas. You don't want to come over here." ....they kind of lose their filter the older they get. And I love it!
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