Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Making Rest

I'm really terrible when it comes to making time for rest. I currently have a job where I work an 11-day shift every 3 weeks. My employer justifies this by giving us 2 half days and an off day mixed into 14 days total. The hours still equal to 40 each week...technically...not including drive time. I also have plenty of meetings that I have to attend as well so my off times get moved. More than once I've worked an 11-hour day.  I've had one vacation in the last 3 years. You might say that this is normal for the American work force and you are probably right. We are always pushing ourselves to the max when it comes to work. Its the American dream right?! Having a full-time job is a blessing...isn't it?!
So, when I don't rest well, it turns into a nightmare and a curse.

To be honest, when I first got my job, I told my boss that I didn't want to work Sunday's because of my beliefs. She said that having Sundays off was impossible. So, I decided to keep my job and trusted that God knew what He had gotten me into. This left me exhausted. I might still get 7+ hours of sleep a night, but after 2 years of this schedule that long-term exhaustion is now saturated into my very being.

Does anyone look out the window at work at the trees and clouds and immediately think "What am I still doing in here?!". I feel like the part of me that longs for fresh air and nature is slowly dying. Just the simple feeling of sunlight on my face or the sound that leaves make when the wind rushes. My soul just longs for that. My tank feels empty without it.

The sun. The Wind. The exhaustion. The longing. They are whispers of Heaven. One day that refreshment will be permanent.

I LOVE vacations. I love experiencing new soil, colors in new contexts, foreign scents. My favorite part of what makes vacations so valuable is probably the absence of obligations. The freedom to explore and wander with no deadline. No pressure to create, organize, or communicate....just to BE. How beautifully refreshing and simple that is. Like re-experiencing childhood.

Over the last year, I've gotten relatively little rest. Sadly, you can tell because of my health and my attitude. I'm still learning that I've got to protect my rest. I have this tendency to say yes to my loved ones and to my bosses frequently. Cutting people off was never my strong suit. I justified it in the belief that Jesus gave everything he had. His money, his strength, his attention, etc. So now when I'm tempted to say yes or to feel guilty for saying no, I have to remind myself that I am not Jesus. Following Him is very different from trying to be Him.

Boundaries are necessary. Verbally, I can't commit to everything. Emotionally, I can't let guilt decide what I do and don't spend time on. Physically, I can't be everywhere and DO everything. But I CAN support in different ways from a distance or support at a different time. I CAN teach others to respect my abilities and resources. I CAN humble my view of myself to align with a human's capabilities.

In Matthew 11: 28 Jesus says this " Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest." You probably know this one. But I have to remind myself that He didn't ask me to come to Him and bring all my stuff with me. He didn't say if I DID something that He would give me rest. He just said to come. Get away from everything and everyone else for a while and just BE with the Creator of fresh air and sleep.

Just a thought.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Woman Hero Dream Team

Heroes do extraordinary things. What I did was not an extraordinary thing. It was normal.
-Irena Sendler-
I wish I could not spend one more second of my existence thinking about what I look like or comparing what I have to others or worrying about trivial things. I never want to think about my weight or marriage or money ever again. I wish... But I live in 2015 America and whether I like it or not these pressures will continue to try and push their way into my focus. So, I've been asking God to renew my mind and transform the way that I view life altogether. And He has. Lately He's got me thinking about the qualities of women who have made their lives count. I've thought about a few women in my life whom I admire and respect. I've talked with some of my closest female besties about what it means to take our minds off of ourselves and what it would take to wholeheartedly commit to being difference makers. What I've discovered is that there are some defining qualities that my woman heroes have and that I want to develop. I already see glimpses of these qualities in the women I love in my life already, but I want these hero qualities to utterly define my life and outshine everything else. I want to focus on them and develop them and become an expert in them. The woman heroes of history that I respect the most had qualities that led them to radically change lives and change history. Their legacies continue to challenge our lives today because they not only endured through life's hardships, they conquered them.

My Woman Hero Dream Team is defined by certain glorious traits:
Self-sacrifice = giving up their money, time, health, marriage, things all for the sake of others
Pro-innocence = fiercely guarding life in all forms: innocent slaves, children, poor and needy
God-focus = keeping their focus on the creator and protector of all, giving them a greater reason to fight and not relying on their human abilities to accomplish it all
No respecter of persons = refusing to discriminate when it came to rescuing the enslaved, bringing resources to all those in need, and not valuing one life over another

As you read about these women for the first time, (or are refreshed by their stories again) keep in mind these life defining qualities and focus on how you can develop them in your life.

Name: Araminta Ross
Alias: Harriet Tubman "Moses"
"There was one of two things I had a right to-liberty or death; if I could not have one, I would have the other." Born a slave, Harriet traveled 90 miles by foot to her freedom. Estimates say it took her between 5 days and 3 weeks to do it. When she finally crossed the line into Pennsylvania she said "I looked at my hand to see if I was the same person. There was such a glory over everything; the sun came like gold through the trees, and over the fields, and I felt like I was in heaven."

Why Harriet is my hero - After she crossed into freedom she thought about her family "I was a stranger in a strange land...I was free and dey should be free also. I would make a home for dem in the North, and de Lord helping me, I would bring dem all here" So, Harriett went back  Even after Harriet returned to rescue her husband, he rejected her-choosing to stay enslaved and married to another woman. He would later die there. Harriet went on to lead  approximately19 more trips on the Underground Railroad and led 300 slaves to freedom. Despite brain injury, persecution, threats to her life, and extreme danger, she remained completely focused on freedom.

Name: Irena Krzyżanowska
Alias: Irena Sendler "Jolanta"
Irena was a young Polish Christian during the Holocaust who helped smuggle thousands of vulnerable Jewish children out of the ghetto. Working with her close friend, Ewa and the Zegota Resistance, she created a directory of names of children that she rescued along with fake names to hide their identities from the Nazis. She kept their real identities and locations in jars that she buried under a tree. Rescuing the children was also difficult because many parents were scared that their Jewish children would be later raised as Christian converts. Irena promised to maintain their Jewish heritage.

Why Irena is my hero - She refused to give up the identities of the children or any info about the rescues while she was brutally tortured. The Gestapo broke her feet and legs and decided to execute her. At the last moment, she was released because of a bribe of one of the Nazis keeping her imprisoned. Because most of the parents were executed in the Treblina death camp, Irena made sure that the orphans were relocated to Israel where they could be raised with their true Jewish heritage. Irena honored her own Savior, Jesus, by leading 2,500 Jews to safety. The beautiful thing is that she saw herself as doing something just ordinary, normal....Irena was just doing what Jesus had done for her.

Name: Anjezë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu
Alias: Mother Teresa "Saint of the Gutters"
At the age of 18, Agnes decided to dedicate her life as a nun to God. In 1946, she felt a second calling to work with the poorest of the poor. Once in Calcutta, she began her work to care for the dying and the destitute. She formed the Missionaries of Charity- an army dedicated to loving India's poorest. She built clinics, schools, and homes for the dying.

Why Teresa is my hero - She saw every person she cared for as the sick, abandoned, and dying Christ. She constantly put off attempts to honor her name and efforts by pointing success and glory back to God. She worked with those of different faiths, political backgrounds, and economic status all for the sake of peace. She lived in constant humility. When others complained by saying "You are spoiling the poor by giving everything to them." she responded, "Nobody has spoiled us more than God himself." Mother Teresa reminded the world that there was no obstacle powerful enough to overcome Christ's love for human life.
Jesus says "follow me because this is the way I will lead you to a life that goes way beyond anything you could have ever imagined." John 6:66-69
These women took Jesus' words and promises as life or death. They lived because He lived in them. For them, human life was incredibly precious.Risking their lives, and disregarding their comforts, was a necessary sacrifice. Their legacies are powerful reminders that we have the power to radically love others because Jesus first radically loved us.
Bradford, Sarah H. Harriet, the Moses of Her People. Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina, 2012. Print.
Bradford, Sarah H. Scenes in the Life of Harriet Tubman. Auburn [N.Y.: W.J. Moses, Printer, 1869. Print.
Chawla, Navin. Mother Teresa. Rockport, Mass.: Element, 1996. Print.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

The Bible Shocks Me More than Game of Thrones

You might already be shocked and appalled that I would ever dare find any enjoyment from a show that regularly displays nudity, violence, abuse, magic, etc. And I can see where you are coming from...I really can. Sin hurts God's heart, so reasonably we shouldn't be entertained by it. I get it. I don't want you to think for a second that I'm trying to act as your conscience and trying to convince you to watch it. I am not the Holy Spirit...and I dare not take His place in your life.

My biggest "problem" with things like GOT though is that even as fiction, they sometimes expose the harshness and reality of sin and death. And they do it well. Fascinatingly well.

Iron Throne by Rob Obsidian | CC by 2.0
Now if you are the unique individual who has never been personally affected by evil then praise God! I can see why GOT would shock you. But I was born in 2015 and I've been set in a world very far away from Eden. So, If you think that the first time I saw naked bodies, or became acquainted with rape, or experienced violence, or learned about magic was on GOT...then you would be wrong. Life exposed me to all of that:
Rape...that was a friend who told me how a guy forced himself on her on the side of the road. 
Violence...the many killing sprees that have taken place in our schools, malls, and churches.
Murder...A girl from my HS that left her baby in her band bag and in the closet to die.
Porn...My highschool Chemistry teacher that would sneak it during class.

I could go ON AND ON because We are already SATURATED with sin and darkness in real life everyday. My parents did a wonderful job of protecting me from it all. Heck, I wasn't even allowed to watch Jurassic Park til High School and The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe was definitely out of the picture because it had a witch in it! Because of their guardianship, but also because of the effects of sin on every day life, I now have a very good understanding of the difference between good and evil. 

Honestly I was introduced to genocide, incest, and rape through the Bible. And if you say it wasn't graphic, you are lying to yourself. The Bible includes examples of horrifying death by burning sulfur, drowning, consensual murder, torture, bear attack, tent pole....etc. This wasn't standard gun shot wound death, these were gruesome and the ones I referred to above were just a few of the ones that are viewed as righteous deaths! As I read about these in my Bible, it changed my idea of what a good Christian could read and even witness. 

I was also raised around books and libraries. I grew up watching the Faerie Tale Theater series and If you've ever read the real fairy tales then you know that they are just as weird and unusual as the stuff in the Bible. I appreciate the stories I've read and encountered. Many times, these stories and books gave me a welcomed distraction from the hardship and abuse I experienced when I was a kid. This is what they are for. I don't use GOT or any other book or movie as my guide through life or my moral compass. They are fun or informative or challenging and a million other things, but they don't replace my Bible, the Holy Spirit, or my common sense.

Game of Thrones is a story. A well-crafted story. Its nothing new under the sun. I honestly don't understand why people are shocked by it. The Bible is way more shocking. If anything has desensitized me to the weight of sin and death its been the news. When you hear about it all 24/7, it becomes easy to ignore. When surrounded by water, swimming seems normal.... our entertainment reflects the world we live in. When you see sin fictionalized in a TV series, within the context of a story, your morality has a tendency to click back on because you are seeing a bigger part of the story. We want to hear about people's lives and what preceded their choices. I didn't hear the stories behind why Boko Haram kidnapped, raped, and sold the Nigerian schoolgirls...but books and movies can remind us that those girls are real, they have stories, that they have value. They remind us that moral lines are still solid no matter what time or setting they are in or how much we know about them. They remind us that we SHOULD care again. And they also give us a glimpse into the minds of those who do evil. TV shows require you to ask why that character is choosing that sin or hurting that person. The motives of greed, lust, hatred, etc for sin are the same in both the Bible and Game of Thrones. Notice that when evil is happening in GOT that they don't play light dance music...the lighting, music, and setting paint the viewer a picture that evil is happening. They don't lazily trick you into lying to your conscience. Spoiler alter - No one cheered when Ned died or Sansa was raped. Viewers mourn good characters' deaths and celebrate when they triumph. The show (mostly) paints evil for evil and good for good.

Lastly, this world still wants to see the supernatural. We want to see the unexpected and the unexplained. Fire from heaven. Donkeys talk. Angel wrestling. Movies and books obviously can't replace real miracles, but they can remind us that they are possible and we should be looking for them in our lives! In GOT we see dragons fly and whitewalkers come alive, and we are reminded that not everything on Earth is as it seems. Demons and Angels exist and that Heaven and Hell have a tendency to invade Earth. As a believer I see us coming closer to the end as the consequences of our sin invade our culture. GOT isn't the cause. Sin is. If GOT has opened your eyes to whats already going on, then I'm glad you're awake. As for me, I'm not all that shocked by GOT or any other show or book. I'm more way more shocked by what's happening in my Bible and in real life.

Monday, October 5, 2015

When Demons Rush In

We are at war. In fact, we've been at war for thousands of years. This isn't some sudden realization or an exaggeration of our situation. Light has been battling darkness since the beginning and the trophy is your soul.

This past year just about broke me. I've never cried harder, sinned more blatantly, and examined my heart more than what I did this year. So far in 2015, I've moved in with my dad, broke up with a guy, changed churches, been to court twice, had the paramedics at my apt twice, seen my dad through 7 hospital visits, and gained 30 pounds. And its only October. It has been the hardest year of my life. But I refuse to be a casualty.
Every man and woman who chooses to trust and obey God will find his faith attacked and his life invaded by the power of evil. There is no more escape for us than there was for the Son of Man. -Elisabeth Elliot-

Most of the hell that I've been though this year has centered around taking care of my dad. He's been disabled for over 10 years from extreme gout and arthritis. He has no feeling in his hands or feet. His knees are each the size of softballs and he can barely bend them. He has about 20 large calcium nodules on his joints which restrict his mobility and cause great pain. He's been through multiple surgeries. Ultimately he has the body of a 80 year old but he's 62. His greater struggle though has been with alcohol and pain medications. He has been in constant pain for over a decade, but he's lost the strength to endure it and has dived into the numb world of addiction. He's been in rehab 3 times in the past 3 years. The first time was because he was double dipping into pain meds from 2 different doctors. Right now he probably has 12 different prescriptions for various ills. So, I've gotten used to discovering beer cans in bushes and under laundry and hidden behind doors. The first rehab visit was traumatic for me but hospital visits have now become part of normal life.

About 3 weeks ago the worst relapse happened. It started with a prescription from the doctor for alcohol. This was pretty shocking to me since - to my knowledge, my dad had been sober for a couple months at this point. I expressed my anger at his doctor's advice to incorporate 2 beers a day into his prescription schedule because 1. I thought he was sober and 2. What kind of doctor gives a prescription for alcholol to an alcoholic with no self-control?! But my dad went along with it...for about a day. Within 48 hours, my dad had become a different being altogether. Yelling every other minute, constant anger, being profane and aggressive. And to my total unsurprise, drinking and dosing himself into complete loss of control. I've seen this before...but not this bad. But I had to work. So I went to bed and then woke up to him yelling at me. I ignored him and went about my day. The next night I did the same until I woke up again the next morning to find him on the floor, hunched over, naked, covered in bodily fluids, blood and beer. He had fallen 9 hours before and couldn't get up.That weekend the paramedics came over twice, he went to three hospitals, and he tried to slice his wrist in front of my sister and I. This earned him a week stay in Ben Taub hospital under 24 hour surveillance. 

I tell you all of this not to be dramatic or for pity. Hold the pity to yourself. I tell you this so that you can see that this is not my dad. I grew up with a man who worked hard, was gentle and playful, and had a relationship with God. He was a man who taught me grace. He was never perfect and was pretty rough around the edges but he understood God's grace and showed it to me. The week previous to the incident 3 weeks ago he had gone to 3 AA meetings, a Texans game, studied the Bible for several hours daily and gone to church. The devil felt his grip on my dad's life threatened, so he tightened his claws.
When the unclean spirit has gone out of a person, it passes through waterless places seeking rest, but finds none. Then it says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’ And when it comes, it finds the house empty, swept, and put in order. Then it goes and brings with it seven other spirits more evil than itself, and they enter and dwell there, and the last state of that person is worse than the first. So also will it be with this evil generation. Matthew 12:43-45 
It's a lethal error to believe that the devil can't make your life a living hell. In fact that is his entire business. John 10:10 says that he comes to "steal and kill and destroy." Its also dangerous to believe that as a Christian you are automatically protected. "Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm." Ephesians 6:11-13. The Lord gives us specific ways to equip ourselves for battle (The Armor of God) and specific reasons why (Spiritual forces of Evil). A.W. Tozer said, "I'm not afraid of the devil. The devil can handle me-he's got judo I've never heard of, But he can't handle the One to whom I'm joined; he can't handle the One to whom I'm united; he can't handle the One whose nature dwells in my nature." For a long time, my dad has cut himself off from Christian community and other believers. He let the devil single him out from the pack. He's also chosen to end relationships with friends and family members. He's let the devil drive a stake of unforgiveness in between him and sources of love, spiritual enrichment and support. So when all of the pain took over his life, alcohol and meds became his best friends. The devil took some temporary pain, a handful of unforgiveness, and a series of disappointments then built a prison.

My dad used to be a fighter. In 2007, my dad woke up to hear the external speakers on the tv switch on. As he entered the living room he saw a demon struggling to turn them off. The demon stood up, got in my dad's face and looked him in the eye. My dad began to plead the blood of Jesus over himself, speak scripture, proclaim the armor of God, and command the devil to flee. He says that he knew the demon was there for his life. After about an hour of speaking scripture and proclaiming Jesus' name the demon left. But over time, he's been weakened by the demons of addiction and depression and more have begun to assault him. They've convinced him to take off his armor. "Bondage Breaker" by Neil T. Anderson says this - "There is NO time when it is safe for you to take off the armor of God."
The day is coming, later, when the lion shall lie down with the lamb and we'll beat swords into plowshares. For now, it's bloody battle. - John Eldredge-
This has changed the entire way I look at my life. I won't have it easy. There are no simple wars. Anderson again says, "It is not the few raving demoniacs which are causing the church to be ineffective, but Satan's subtle deception and intrusion into the lives of 'normal' believers....Satan is a deceiver, and he will work undercover at all costs." This scares me because in the past year, I have struggled with heavier sins. He's upped his game. I have seen the effects of evil on my life. I can see demon's shadows.

But I recognize the devil can't handle the One to whom my soul is joined! I'm on alert as it says to be in 1 Peter 5:8. "Stay alert! Watch out for your great enemy, the devil." I'm receiving counselling and in an amazing Bible study, and avoiding temptations but ultimately my freedom from evil is my responsibility. My position in Christ means that I have the authority to (and I must) "resist the devil, renounce participation in his schemes, confess sin, and forgive those who have offended me" (Anderson). I encourage you, that if you see the devil's influence on friends, family, or yourself - don't ignore it. Don't let demon's rush in. Proclaim your freedom in Christ.
You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. John 8:32 

Anderson, Neil T. The Bondage Breaker. Eugene, Or.: Harvest House, 1990. Print.
Elliot, Elisabeth. On Asking God Why. Old Tappan, N.J.: F.H. Revell, 1989. Print.
Tozer, A. W. Gems from Tozer: Selections from the Writings of A.W. Tozer. U.S. ed. Harrisburg, Pa.: Christian Publications, 1979. Print.
Holy Bible: New Living Translation. Wheaton, Ill.: Tyndale House, 1996. Print.

Eldredge, John. Waking the Dead: The Glory of a Heart Fully Alive. Nashville, Tenn.: Thomas Nelson, 2003. Print.


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Do not be conformed to this present world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may test and approve what is the will of God-what is good, well-pleasing and perfect. Romans 12:2

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